Watson, 1975, Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) Suppl. 25: 15; Viviennea momyra (Gaede) comb. n. Automolis momyra Gaede, 1928 : 28. Holotype 3, CoromBra (MNHU) [examined]. Rhipha momyra (Gaede) Travassos, 1954 : 219 Male. Head, thorax and appendages as for moma (q.v.). Abdominal segments 1-4 orange dorsally, with dark brown, medial spot on segment 2 in type and one male (this spot absent in other two males and the female); 5 and 6 deep orange; 7 and 8 dark brown, iridescent blue and green at posterior border of each segment. Pleural region of abdomen deep orange. Ventral surface of segment 2 orange, with posteriorly tapered, triangular area of iridescent blue laterally on each side; 3—7 orange; 8 dark brown, weakly iridescent blue posteriorly. Female. Differs from male in the narrower, distal, yellow band on forewing and the smaller yellow proximal area on hindwing. Forewing length: holotype M. 21mm; M 21.5 and 23.0 mm; F 25.00 mm. M. genitalia. As for moma but apex of valve with pointed process. F. genitalia. As for moma. Apparently replaces moma in Colombia to the west of the western arm of the Andes (see moma). MATERIAL EXAMINED. Automolis momyra Gaede, holotype 3, CoLtomsBia: W., Bella Vista, viii.1927 (MNHU). CoLoMBIA: 2 g, I 9, between Tumaco and Pasto (Niepelt): 1 g, Buena Vista (Patchett) (USNM)